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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Analysis of film trailer

Wreck it Ralph 2 is about two game characters who have to travel to the internet to find a spare part to fix a game. The trailer opens on a closing arcade and then cuts to one particular game, wreck it Ralph. We see the character run across the screen and then it cuts to inside the game where the character announces he and his friend must travel to the internet. This tells the audience the characters are game characters and it is a magical world where game characters are alive. This introduces the magical world that amazes children. The game side of the trailer attracts audiences who enjoy games such as stereotypical boys. The audience is unsure why they are traveling to the internet but the characters enthusiasm makes them believe it is extremely exciting or important. The lighting is quite dim perhaps showing that there is a problem or could be because of the dark arcade. From the conversation we can tell that the two characters are friends and we presume they are the protagonists.

The characters are then seen being enveloped into small capsules and shot through the wire of the internet box to the internet and. We presume that the film will be an adventure film as the characters travel to a new world they have never been to. We then see the Disney title card which is an extremely famous film icon. The two characters have very different experiences when travelling to the internet. Ralph has a very bumpy ride and looks very anxious whereas Penelope yells in delight and has a wide smile. This shows part of their characters and we assume Ralph is more like an old man with technology who is less welcome to new things and Penelope someone bubbly and more used to the new tech. We then see some shots of Ralph screaming and making weird faces and so assume it is also a comedy. They enter the internet and everything is very bright, colorful and high tech( perhaps to attract the tech savvy and adult audience). It is also extremely crowded. We assume that the internet is a happy place and that they will meet lots of new people. We also see the names of massive companies which excites the audience as it makes it seem more like a familiar place. We are then introduced to a quirky character who acts like a search engine. Ralph gets extremely agitated when talking to him and Penelope then asks for a place that is extremely nuts.

We are then introduced to Disney world which is bright, flashy and is filled with easter eggs from other films which attracts hardcore Disney fans. We then see all of the Disney princesses together, another huge attraction to hardcore Disney fans. Penelope is grabbed by iron man and then chased by storm troopers and ends up in the princesses room. She has an amusing conversation which shows that the film is a comedy and we learnt that Penelope has a cynical side. We still don't know the motives of the characters and so are intrigued. It is all very fast paced and excites the audience. You then see the title card of the film.

It cuts to Ralph, Penelope and a new character who seems to know a lot about the internet and is very trendy. They seem to discuss the title of the film, creating comedy. Throughout we never know why they are in the internet or introduced to a problem in the story which could be a drawback as it may make the story seem uninteresting and just a film filled with references and no actual story. We are instead introduced to lots of wacky characters and well known ones from the Disney world which attracts an audience because of the various comedy created by the interactions. The two characters have very differing personalities and so we see them as an unlikely duo who came together and are going to save the day.

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